First National Bank and Trust Company Financial Coaching
We are now offering free financial coaching. If you struggle with managing your money, need help with your saving/spending habits or need basic information on how credit works, our team has the resources to help you.
We invite you to reach out and schedule an appointment with one of our financial coaches by filling out the form below or by calling (833) 487-1030. We have a team of financial coaches ready to help!
No Guarantees. Our role at First National Bank and Trust Company is to support and assist you in reaching your financial goals, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment, and follow-through. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, and you accept the risk that results differ by each individual. As with any coaching services, your results may vary, and will be based on many variables. By reaching out for our free financial coaching service, you acknowledge that you take full responsibility for your finances and well-being, as well as the finances and well-being of your family and children, if any, and all your financial decisions now or in the future.
By completing this form, you are giving First National Bank and Trust Company permission to contact you via mail, phone, or email. You may opt out of future correspondence at any time by contacting First National Bank and Trust Company via phone or unsubscribing to email. Need not have be a current First National Bank and Trust Company client to participate.